So we heard you like theme days?
We also heard you guys hated people streaming non theme day games?
Being the Neckbeards we are we also had to find a way to work dice into this.
So here it is!
The new theme day format and I'll tell you all about how its going to work.
Everyday technically has a theme but will only be "unlocked" the Saturday before
Sunday is Commanding day:
God rested on this day but the streamers will not
This day is for the RTS players and of course god games
Monday is Gotta Go Fast day:
Most weeks start out slow, but not us we are busy breaking the sound barrier
This day is for games about being fast, and about timing
You can dance if you want to...
Tuesday is Platformer day:
Like Mario, Ghouls and ghosts, did someone ask for Blade kitten?
jump, stomp, fall into never ending holes all day
Wednesday is Shooter day:
The Halos the Metroids the Cole train or the Wicked cannot rest on this day
dodge, run, reload and of course make the little babies RAGE QUIT
Thursday is Action day:
Video games about leaving your enemies bruised or in bits go here M.K., S.F. of course
,but so does God of War and Darksiders and dont forget to be Veiwtiful
Friday is RPG day:
Most people go out and have fun but we stay inside grinding levels to beat that Goddam B.S. Boss
inb4 Final Fantasy
Saturday is Puzzle day:If you look at numbers on my face you won't find 13 anyplace.Tear 1 off and scatch my head, what once was red is black instead.
The 8 of us go forth and back to protect our king from the foes attack.
We're 5 little items of an everyday sort, you'll find us all in a tennis court.
Who am I?

How do these days "unlock"?Every
Saturday night Glueguy will roll two eight sided dice streaming it live from his webcam
1-7 will represent a Sunday through Saturday 8 will be a re-roll for more tension
So two days a week will be unlocked
,also we didn't have the tech to make a 7 sideder
if doubles are rolled then a third die will be rolled determining the day to be a
WILD CARD DAY!Streamers will be able to stream any game they want!
Streamers cannot stream anything other then Theme days games on the Theme day,
but what about minecraft?
Can you gather up a bunch of arrows and make it a shooter?
Can you climb mountains leaping across gaps?
Can you command dozens of soldiers to attack? Well NO YOU CAN'T
In other words we encourage streamers to play with the concepts of their games
in order to be able to stream them, but you gotta sell it
Streamers must also put in effort during a Theme day
Put up threads! advertise! I'll cut you!