Vinequest is an (almost) weekly stream Sunday nights 10 pm cst
The game is a homebrew pen and paper hosted useing MapTools
with a conference over Skype
Dungeon-mastering is shared by AdventureFTW and Glueguy.
The players cause the DMs much pain when we have to decide how much damage a zombie villager
takes when struck with spit (liquid)
Good times are had when chat controlls one or more npcs in the game, leading to many over priced shop items.
Visuals are rendered with a quick doodle of wiggly streets and derpy looking enemys
Also Shawn's a big homo for putting on that God damn amulet.
Good times are had when chat controlls one or more npcs in the game, leading to many over priced shop items.
Visuals are rendered with a quick doodle of wiggly streets and derpy looking enemys
Also Shawn's a big homo for putting on that God damn amulet.