After delving deep into a wizard's lair to stop his abductions of the local townsfolk, the gang found themselves up against the villagers, who were in a zombified state. Being moralfags, the party tried their best to wake the serfs from their necrotic slumber but it was all for not so Kylie, with his keen intuition used his own saliva to melt the undead peasants.
After what felt like an easy victory, the party was assailed by the wizard himself and two massive orks. Feeling generous, Kylie propositioned the wizard for a good round of fellatio but the wizard narrowly resisted the urge and flew into a fury, casting spell after spell at our hero as his party dealt with the orks.
Shawn, the lowly rogue attempted to use the magical instrument he had found before to duel an ork equipped with a similar guitar. Shawn's tiny arms and weak will could not hold onto the holy weapon of metal and lost it to the enemy.
undaunted, the party fought furiously till they realized that the wizard was but a host to an extra-planar parasite in the shape of a wizard's hat. Kylie took this new information and pierced the hat with many an arrow till the Wizard's body gave way, leaving one angry hat. His minions were at last felled and as the heroes turned their attention to this malevolent headwear, Shawn's soft head damned them all as he placed a cursed medallion around his pencil neck and was charged by inter-dimensional power. Onyx and later Waifu fell by his hand but finally, with a skillful shot, Kylie annihilated the amulet and with it, that dreadful demonic cap.
Kylie, BK, and regrettably Shawn are left to bury their brave comrades and continue on to collect their due reward and venture off to greater quests.
Sounds like good times were had!